Kevin Tierney, presiding judge over matrimonial cases in the Connecticut judicial district that is home to many hedge funds, said postnups had become "rather common" in his court. 在很多对冲基金总部所在的康涅狄格州司法辖区,负责婚姻类案件的法官凯文蒂尔尼(kevintierney)表示,在他的法庭,婚后协议已经变得“相当常见”。
Lawsuits are likely to follow and some are already being heard, including one brought by two Detroit pensions funds in a Delaware court, alleging that Yahoo failed its shareholders by not responding in good faith to Microsoft's takeover offer. 法律纠纷困难会接踵而至,其中一些我们已有所耳闻,其中包括两家底特律养老基金在特拉华州某法庭提起的诉讼,声称雅虎未能诚恳对待微软的收购提议,辜负了股东的希望。